abortion at 9 weeks ( kind of long )

Glenna • MILSO ⚓️

hi, i am making this difficult post as i have come to the decision that i will be getting an abortion. when i first found out, i wanted to keep the baby and so i had my first doctor’s appt and everything at 6w4d, my next appt is on jan. 16th, but i don’t think i will be going. i have come to the realization that i am not financially, psychically, or mentally ready to have a baby. i’m only 20 years old, SO & i are still living with my mom & we are both currently jobless with SO being on unemployment. it’s a huuuge decision but it’s the right one. i’m hoping some of you can share your abortion stories with me talking about which method you went with, what was the pain range for you, and how long was your recover afterwards. it would be very much appreciated & will give me an idea about which i should do. thank you in advance, sorry this was a little long.