Mental Health On its way UP

Kealey 🚨👮🏼🍝🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦 • Demi- Pansexual • wannabe randi • meatball head • Ex- Jehovah's Witness • Pro-CHOICE • pro-drugs • GAD & Depression • 16 years old • Polite Canadian until you piss me off •

So I finally 100% hashed everything out with my ex, and he full heartedly apologized and is now seeking counselling!!! So I'm actually so proud of him, and can be okay with him now. I myself met a very nice and cute girl named Alayna, and I'm taking her out on a 'date'. However her parents are super homophobic, so I don't want to push her because ya know, so I told her the pace is all hers. And right now we're just having fun together and I'm so so happy

Here's a picture of us

And I've started getting counselling for my depression because it got to a place where I was self harming again. I'm only about a week clean, but because I made it that long without even really wanting to cut, and being able to think positive I got my industrial piercing. Which to me symbolizes strength and badassery. And lastly I'm getting out of my toxic home life with my mom, I'm moving to my dads. I won't make any promises to be more active but I'll at the very least keep youguys updated