Just bragging

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼

Just wanted to check in with ma hunnies, so I’ve lost 11 pounds and counting, my hair won’t stop growing, I’m engaged and on the pill but hoping in the next year we are gonna start trying!!!!

My hair!

My ring:

Also with my move to the pill I’m hoping that I’m gonna stop wetting myself!!!

Things sound amazing but they’ve also been the worst few months. My dad has been seeing someone for 6 months (probably longer) and left my mum (together 28 years) a month ago. My mum is in the worst possible way and it’s heartbreaking. My relationship with my dad is little to none. If anyone has any advice for how I could help mum that would be amazing. It’s all swings and roundabouts at the moment but I am looking forward to my future!