
This month, I really thought I might be pregnant because af was 5 days late and I was having a few symptoms.. extremely tired, light cramping on and off, really hungry, headaches, missed af, nausea now and again. But on the 5th day of no af, I started bleeding. At first it was really light and then it became heavier, but not heavy enough to wear a tampon comfortably. So I gave up hope for this month. ..But then over Christmas I was talking with my mom and she told me that she didn't even know she was pregnant with my younger sister until she was 3 months pregnant. so now I'm not sure. ..a couple days ago at work I was very lightheaded, had a headache, had to pee more than usual and felt nauseous too. But I still got a bfn. ... what do you think I should do? Wait and test in a few more days? Wait and see if af shows up next month?