I just want to be married and he doesn’t 😭


Last year we got engaged, but rewind to before I accepted the ring I knew he didn’t ever want to marry. So we made a deal I would never talk about it again but we can just be engaged.

Well since this happened last year I got in a terrible life changing accident.

I look at life through a totally different light.

Recently some sisters in the family got engaged and now I am jealous with all the wedding planning. That’s my dream. And I will never get it.

This seriously makes me want to cry. Why do they get married when they been together way less than us.

We have children together we have a home together but I want that commitment. I told him I want to talk about getting married because I changed my mind, it’s important and what I want. He told me stop talking to me.

Can anyone give me advice I’m crawling out of my fucking skin