Your dream elephant...


Last year I was pregnant for the first time. I fell head over heels for the baby I was growing. I would give the small baby long lectures on how I would do better than my parents did and usually end up sobbing over the promises I gave this unborn baby. I decorated the nursery and went way to overboard for so early on. needless to say, I was heart broken the day we found out I was miscarrying. January was the month I had a DnC and found out we lost a boy. after that, my husband and I didn't want to try again for a long time. I was broken, my sister in law was now pregnant, and I wanted to be alone. what got me through it was a small sketch I drew of two elephants. one was a mommy elephant with her baby. the baby was wearing bunny ears and the mom was saying "come along little bunny". I had done it in my bliss of being pregnant. I wanted to destroy the picture, but I couldn't....soon after, a post appeared on glow about a dog and an elephant and the pregnancy times between the two. it reminded the reader that miracles take time. I shrugged it off and got on birth control. I mourned my son as my sister in law glowed in her pregnancy. I felt forgotten. a few months after my miscarriage, my best friend was worried she was pregnant. she asked if I could take a test with her and I agreed. her test came out negative, but mine was a positive. worried, my husband and I sought out my Dr. my DnC had not been smooth, so we were worried about what was wrong with me, not even thinking we could be pregnant. Despite the denial, we got to see our small little babies heart gent olly thud on the ultrasound that day and we were terrified. fast forward to now, I am sitting in the tub and 31 weeks pregnant. we are having a boy in February and couldn't be more excited. although many people struggle with fertility problems, miscarriage, and more, I remind you that just like the elephant, it takes time to make a miracle. your miracle may take a long time, it.may come with a lot of pain, or may come in a totally different way than what you wanted. just recognize the blessings you have, and hold on to that

dream elephant..... I did the second elephant picture just now (which i have posted) and wanted to share. I am going to have it placed in our sons room to remind me and him of the dream elephant, for he is strong and mighty and will move mountains...and so will your baby ♡