allergy & cold medications?


hi ladies..I suffer from severe allergies. and before getting pregnant I took allegra, daily. since becoming pregnant, I cut it out completely.

my obgyn is refusing to allow me any medications. nothing for my nausea which is finally subsidding (at 13 wks) but not completely gone. nothing for my allergies, which are getting more and more severe as the days go by... pretty sure I'm getting or already have a sinus infection/ear infections. nothing for my cold/cough. I am dying. non stop sneezing and coughing. I haven't slept in days.

I am curious what your Drs have told you ladies... have you been given the ok for any medication?? a friend of mine is also pregnant, and her obgyn has ok'ed benedryl. I'm seriously contemplating going against my drs opinion on this. ...I begged for some kind of relief... he refused. HELP!!!