Imani’s entrance into the 🌎!


So I was scheduled for induction December 27 in which I did go in at 5 that morning. Got admitted got my meds started around 9. At first I wasn’t feeling any contractions mind you I was already at 4 1/2 when I arrived. Let’s just say things escalated quickly once the meds kicked in. Out of no where the contractions started getting worse and next thing I know I was signing paperwork to get an epidural. They said I had to wait 20 mins after I get fluids in me. But baby Imani had other plans. My water ended up breaking on its own and she was well on her way. While going through the contractions i was steady asking for the pain meds but that ship had sailed since she was coming so quickly and there was literally no one there to give it to me because they were with another patient. My labor was moving so fast my doctor wasn’t even there to deliver her. Next thing I know I was screaming either I have to poop or she’s coming!! And they was like yup she’s coming. The whole time their trying to convince me not to push your doctor is coming well she wasnt coming fast enough. By the time she got there the er doctor was trying to deliver my placenta. I can say that was the day I found new strength. Delivering naturally is something I never imagined or intended to do but glad I got my beautiful baby girl out of it.