Our Birth Story (WITH PICS)

So my sweet girl, Ever Blake came into this world exactly two weeks late on Tuesday, December 19th at 1:11pm. I tried my best to wait for labor to come naturally but then made the decision to induce that Monday before at my appointment. Although I was a bit scared of getting induced & highering my risk of a cesarean, I luckily had my wonderful husband there with me through it all. 
We arrived at the hospital that Monday night at 9, started the induction process around 10, got the epidural early that next morning. Once I was able to start pushing, I only had to do so for 30 minutes!! 
I am so so glad my husband & I made the decision early on for it to only be the two of us in there for the birth of our first child. Not to be rude to anyone who has more people in there, this just worked out perfectly for us, it was a beautiful experience getting to see his face when he yelled "I can see her head!!"
I know everyone says that you barely remember most of your hospital stay because it goes by so quickly with all the adrenaline pumping and all the excitement. I tried my best to cherish every second and these pictures really helped with that. 
And boom! She's here! My sweet 8lb 1.5oz, 42 week baby girl! 
I highly recommend getting a photographer for your delivery if you're considering it! I will cherish these pictures forever. Sweet girl is doing really well and teaching me every day. Becoming a parent really is the most amazing thing in this world. Hope you enjoyed my story!