How I induced myself and met my new best buddy ❤️


My dad and fiancée had come into town on the 17th and were planning on leaving the 21st.

Kellie, my dads fiancée was dead set on me having this baby while they were here, as my dad (who’s pretty intuitive) guessed she was gonna be born the 18th.

So the 18th comes and goes, and on the 19th Kellie and I decided this baby is coming out!!

We went for a three mile walk, went to a Mexican restaurant and asked for the hottest salsa available (the waiter said the last pregnant woman to eat it went into labor and had her baby the next day) and here’s what really did it ➡️ Smooth Move tea!⬅️

So that night I couldn’t rest well. I tossed and turned because we all know how it is when you’re 37 weeks pregnant and can’t roll over.

I got up to pee, very little urine came out.

Went back to bed.

At 1:15 I rolled over into my left side and all the sudden felt a gush. For a second I thought I owed my pants, then I realized it didn’t come from my urethra. I elbowed my husband in a panic and told him I think my water broke!

I got up and peed again then told him I was gonna try to push and see what happened.

I pushed and even more water gushed out!!

I got panicky because I realized this is really happening and started cleaning the house while he woke dad and Kellie up.

After cleaning and showering we left for the hospital at 4am when the contractions got more uncomfortable. L&D; said to come in and get a room ASAP because there was only one left!!

I was 4cm dilated and she had been effaced and engaged for about three weeks prior, so it was really happening!

I was gonna go natural and use gas if I needed it, but I soon realized gas wasn’t cutting it.

I made it to 8cm by 6am and was having back to back contractions. My dad, who knows I’m tolerant of pain had to get up and leave the room because he couldn’t watch me hurting like that anymore.

My nurse (who was amazing!) said that nobody is giving me a trophy and I should consider the epidural so that I could enjoy my labor and be mentally present instead of in a bubble of hurt.

You better freakin believe I took it 😂

It slowed down my labor, but I could actually be present for everything and talk with my family.

At 3:30 we decided to start practicing pushing and at 4:04 after 15 minutes of really pushing, I coughed and out came my beautiful baby girl!!!

I had no idea my heart had this much capacity for love ❤️

Thanks to red raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil, this FTM didn’t even tear!

We are beyond blessed, all around 💕