October 25, 2017


That is my baby girl was born but let me go back before so I’m one thing I want regular check up he told me that the last ultrasound I had the baby was not ready to come out so she was not a position he told me that I need to call on Friday it’s ready to come out by that time it was 38 weeks I want on Friday I just saw she was in position so on Monday I went back to his office and he Is going to check if I have dilated so he checked me and I was 4 cm dilated at 38 weeks I was 2 days from actually being 39 weeks he asked me have you felt something because you’re 4 cm dilated and I said no so right away you told me let’s schedule you so go into the hospital on Wednesday you’re going to be induced go make appointment so I went so the lady and told her she said the doctor told me that you need to go in tomorrow and I said he told me was on Wednesday and she was like no he change his mind he wants you to go in tomorrow so the next day I got ready like mentally prepare myself the whole day by 8 PM was already in the hospital by 10 PM I was in a room already she put an IV in just for the water to hydrate me and by 12 PM my water broke which was amazing because the doctor had told me I needed to go in on Wednesday then changed his mind the last minute that means I would have been at my house when my water brokeIf he hadn’t a change is mind. So right after my water broke I wentnt from 4 cm to 10 cm in a matter of three hours the nurse was so amazed she told me like you have been l the fastest person to actually go into labor because by 3 AM the baby was so ready to come out the doctor wasn’t even there he was home because he thought I was going to give birth the other day in the morning so we had to wait for the doctor, while I was waiting for the doctor I felt a huge pressure and the urge push so I called the nurse and she goes baby girl hang in they’re the doctor is on his way so the doctor finally arrived 15 minutes later I started pushing and it literally took me 10 minutes and my baby was born at 3:55 AM on Wednesday, October 25.

I Felt so good because all the nurses were like I’m so proud of you you have been the fastest Birth we have ever seen thank God you came in time you Could have given birth in the car so I was actually proud Because I was a first time time mom and I did so good!! let me add that wall she was inside of me she pooped so she actually inhaled meconium so they had to call The nicu and as soon as she was born they were extracting the liquid from her lungs but she was crying really loud so the nurse told me she’s doing fine she’s super healthy and when they change me from the delivery room to a normal room they gave it to me right away and she has been my healthy baby ever since it was such an easy an amazing birth story and I honestly Thank God everyday for this blessing.

Her name is Lia Natalia

She weighed 7.8 oz

And measured 19 inch

Now she is already 2 months and is so smart and active😍💕👧🏻 here are some pics: