born July 31st 2017


my little girl was born July 31st 2017 at 3.36pm weighing 5lb 11oz I had a difficult pregnancy in and out of hospital all the way thru they wanted to give me a call section but I wanted to experience it or try to shud I say anyway I was giving an induction on July 30th at 1pm n I was completely fine nothing until July 31st at 12pm wen I got extremely long and painful contractions hitting me fast and hard I was terrified I had the crash team on standby by and everything I was more than frightened they gave me gas and air n it didn't work they gave me a apidural it didn't work they gave me a second it didn't work they also gave me pethidine n withing 3 hrs 36mins my princess was here I ripped I felt everything stitches top to bottom horrid but I wudnt change it for the world I love my princess so much with all my heart I didn't know how much love I had