Gabriels Birth💙👶🏻 [Photos]


After all craziness I feel like it’s story time💪🏼

Through out my pregnancy I had almost every painful and annoying side effects from pregnancy. Hyperemesis up to delivery day, SPD, low blood-pressure (80/40) so constant dizziness, crack in my lower right rib thanks to my karate kid, premature labour that was successfully stopped at 27 weeks, thank god. He was on the small side so they monitored him 2 times a week with the umbilical flow and ultrasounds every other week.

Then at 35 weeks my very, very inconsiderate friend brings her sick kid around me where of course he sneezes in my face. I asked her if he is sick she blamed his asthma, and the next day she calls me saying he is sick 🙃 no shit.

So a day or two later I developed a respiratory infection which developed to double sided ear infection, and eye infection. I was miserable I could not hear or see anything along side with the flu.

So 10 days of Tikacillin fixed it.

In other words I was sick of being pregnant and I just wanted my baby out already with all these braxton hicks.

I was 38+5 and no signs of him coming out so I decided to go to the mall and get the last stuff ready and get out in general.

6 hours later and 16000 steps I was back home and still nothing. Until I was about to go sleep I get a contraction that was stronger than usually so I immediately told my husband to have sex because it might be going somewhere 🤓

Well another strong contraction while my husbands 🍒 are in my hand and I start squeezing them and I couldn’t stop, so he’s in pain and I’m in pain and we both breathing through this contraction 🤣 this was the switch for me where I just knew that it’s time to go to the hospital.

I arrive and I am actually bleeding now and my whole plug came out right before she examined me, but I was still at 1 cm but contracting every 3-4 minutes apart.

Like what?

I was so discouraged because those thing HURT.

She told me since I am a first time mom I have 2 choices, to be admitted for a sleeping dose (morphine and sleeping pill)

Or go home and wait.

I choose the first option as it was also 3 in the morning.

So I get the dose and due to the pain I couldn’t sleep I just got high and dizzy 😵

The nurse offered me to lay in a tub and it helped for 30 minutes but the contractions started getting worse so I panicked and wanted to go to bed right away.

Now it’s 5 am and I am crying out and she decides to check me - 2 cm so I got moved to L&D; since I was actually progressing.

7 am and I am only 3 cm and while checking me my water broke and I start crying saying ”I’m so freaking sorry I think I just peed on your fingers” 😂.

Well she explained it was my water and I get calmer lols. She checks me again at 1 pm and I am at 5 cm and I am screaming in agony despite gas and air.

I decided to get the epidural and man oh man was that the best decision I made.

Two hours later I start feeling pressure and I get checked suddenly I am 9 cm. At 3 pm I start pushing and 3:36 he’s out 😍

Gabriel Daknash 2665 grams & 48 cm at 38+5 weeks on CHRISTMAS😍


Last picture is 6 hours before labour started.