Bottle Feeding Guilt

I am a third time mom to a perfect 7 week old baby girl. With my first baby, I was young, and tried breastfeeding until the blisters appeared and I switched to Formula. She is now a happy healthy 8 year old. My second baby was a breast baby. She never had a drop of formula and nursed until she was 22 months old. But with nursing came a lot of emotional turmoil for me. She comfort nursed. She wouldn't take a paci and that was tough. I also work in labor and delivery so I'm constantly busy and finding time to pump is often difficult. After I had her I said I would never breastfeed again because it takes such an emotional toll on me. 
When I had my new baby I decided to breastfeed for the cost. With me not working I hated spending that money on formula. But I'm not bonding with her over breastfeeding. I'm feeling like I'm doing it all myself. I can't hardly pump enough to store any extra.  She's not a great nurser. She constantly comes unlatches and gets super gassy. I also will be going back to work soon and the stress of pumping and storing and the sitter doing the breastmilk right already is giving me anxiety. I'm seriously thinking of stopping and doing formula. I'm just having a ton of guilt about it.