Do things ever get better with parents?

I’m fed up with my mom. All she ever does is call me lazy and stupid but I’m basically the house maid. I can clean all day and she’ll still have the audacity to tell my stepdad when he gets home that she was cleaning and I hate it because I feel like he looks down upon me. Today she complained about how there’s clothes thrown in the laundry room and that I’m too lazy to pick it up. First of all, it’s all hers. I barely use the laundry room & I literally spent 2 entire days classifying the piles of clothes she had all over the place in there to wash them. The only clothes that are still dirty are the ones she told me not to wash cause she would which she never did. And I can’t argue with her because what she says, is. She’s never wrong according to her & im the lazy one who never does anything. I’m tired of it !