He beat me off and on for 3 days

Hi, I'm Tina. In 2010 I had just had a baby with a man I was with for about a year. My baby was born Sept 2010. By April 2011 things with my baby's father went sour He and I got into an argument because he took the last of my paycheck for beer. Well after that he busted my lip opened and started beating me. He also strangled me too.I was screaming for help no help came. He knocked me unconscious and blocked doors so I couldn't leave.Took all phones and ways to seek help from me. After the 3 terrifying days he was playing his game system. I waited til he got into game mode and said to him "Sorry for causing trouble and I know you didn't mean to hurt me and that I know you wont hurt me again. I took 4 overnight bags grabbed my baby and said I was going to get him a beer and some food.I only said nice things so I can leave.Went to a friend's house and apparently I passed out they called an ambulance for me.I got to the hospital with police on scene.They arrested him 3 days later. I was scared he was going to find me and kill me for 3 days. He got 30days and some charges. It took 2 years to trust a man. Now 7 years later I am engaged to my boyfriend of 5 years. I do get flashbacks every once in awhile but my fiance helps me out of it.