Not sure what some of you ladies have been putting in your cup of tea,

but as a woman who has been a part of glow for almost 5 YEARS, alot of these women have grown to be straight up rude. I have seen NUMEROUS posts of "seriously why are you having sex if you dont know this this and that" "ill answer your question once you post to the EXACT right group".

OKAY. well unfortunately, some ladies are just new or not too familiar. Instead of being rude and saying "if you want an answer go to a different group", simply pass the post. if you have an answer thats helpful, answer. not like half of these ladies arent stressed enough trying to conceive much less dealing with your shitty attitude.

it seems alot more tense and filled with hate than it was a long time ago. this is a place for ladies to come TOGETHER and HELP eachother, not belittle, criticize and shrug off due to minor things such as posting in a general pregnancy group versus the third trimester group. Everyone wants to preach about how wrong everyone else is doing it, so what. move on with your day. if something as little as a young lady needing sexual advice because OUR sexual education system fails, makes you that pissed you have to post a snarky comment back, maybe yall should check into that. loosen up. this is supposed to be a community for support due to women simply needing other women and advice, not a war zone. simply be nice, calm, supportive

and help eachother. jeesh. its not that hard🙄

update: this isnt for the posts clearly seeking attention. OBVIOUSLY theres a difference in posting about pregnancy or sex in like "fur babies" group. im talking about small things such as posting in "pregnancy" instead of "sex questions". yes granted, paying better attention isnt hard, but its also not hard to keep SNARKY or OFFENSIVE or RUDE comments to yourself. such as "i refuse to answer unless..." okay, well then just continue on

im talking young women, old women, small women, big women that are asking for HELP and ADVICE on actual problems such as misinformation on sex, pregnancy concerns ect. if a woman is coming here to seek advice and help, what type of person are you for belittling that? how would you feel if you had an important question with no good source to go to and instead of help, love and support got criticized and told youre not worth getting an answer SIMPLY FOR BEING IN THE WRONG GROUP. GROW UP. youre not 5. this isnt a competition for perfection. theres a distinct difference between an attention seeker and someone who just genuinely needs some help or reassurance. dont be an ass.