3 year old died on Christmas Eve...Trigger Warning! ⚠️

It has taken a lot of strength for me to post this because I’m not suppose to talk about this outside of work but here it goes...I work at a children’s hospital. I have only been working there for about 4 months. Let me just say that I have been working at a hospital for 3 years before this but mostly with the older age and only babies if it was on OB. We had a trauma come in..it was a 3 year old. She was dead already before they brought her in and I of course was working Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> when this happened. These usually don’t bother me because I’ve seen them a lot working in a hospital..but this one got me..I walked in to get what I needed done on the child and she’s white...dead..eyes rolled back and mouth blue..I tried my hardest not to cry or walk out but I couldn’t..I looked at my co worker and said “I need to go”. She said okay. And I went out crying.. I know what most of you will say..”that’s what you have to deal with when working at a children’s hospital” yes I get that, but to my defense it was Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>...she was so little and all I could think of was her parents. I have a little girl myself and I could not imagine if I lost her. Especially this time of the year. Hold your babies tight, love them like tomorrow is there last day because you never know what tomorrow brings.


Thank you for all of your kind words, I read everyone and each one has been taken to heart. I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t feel lifeless to this situation. I think what got me the most was the look on the EMTs face when he came out of the room. You could just tell he was so dead inside. I am going to remain anonymous because of the situation. Thank you 💕