I'll fucking say it


"I don't like my pregnant/post-partum body," is a valid attitude. Full stop. It doesn't matter how long it took you to get pregnant. It doesn't matter if you're pregnant with your first or you went full Duggar. It doesn't matter if you're upset about 1 stretch mark, or a hip-to-hip C-Section scar. Nobody is allowed to decide how any of us should feel. Nobody else's circumstances negate your rights to your own body autonomy. I'll say it for everyone who's afraid to be pregnancy-shamed: I really am NOT enjoying my pregnant body. My skin is fucking nuts. I have vericose veins and acne. My nipples look CRAZY. My stomach is all distended. My clothes don't fit right but neither does maternity. Every little cramp makes me panic. My body has now become a prime topic for conversation. People touch me without permission. I have never been this uncomfortable in my own skin. "Oh but you're creating LIFE!" Yep, I sure am. That doesn't mean I'm not still a person who can become uncomfortable. My body has done all sorts of things, cool and uncool, that have caused extreme discomfort. This is no exception. "You're so selfish, your priorities are out of whack!" Nope. There's this myth that the instant someone gets pregnant, they cease to be their own person and aren't allowed to care about themselves anymore, and that's part of where crippling mommy guilt and anxiety comes from. MOMS ARE PEOPLE. WE STILL MATTER INDEPENDENTLY OF OUR CHILDREN. You are allowed to complain, be uncomfortable, not enjoy the process. None of this means we aren't excited to be parents, nor that we don't love our children. That's ridiculous. Humans are complex creatures with a large emotional range. So yes, I love my baby AND I have body image issues. For those of you in the same boat, don't let anyone else put you down for experiencing your life. We aren't selfish or bad moms. We're humans, and it's all okay.