UPDATE!!! Homeless in the cold❄️


I never thought I’d be in this position ever in my life. But life threw my a whole bunch of lemons at once and now I’m hustling for the water and sugar to make some lemonade. It’s been a rocky journey but they say “once you hit rock bottom, you can only go up from there!”

Current weather where I stay and let me tell you it feels like -1000 degrees to me! Just working as much as I can so my little family and I (my boyfriend and dog) can be off the streets and in a nice n warm home!!

Stay warm every one and make sure you appreciate what you have because you never know when it could be taken away from you!💕

UPDATE: still homeless but applying to more jobs! My boyfriend should start concrete here in a couple days as well. I’m turning 18 on Monday the 8th and plan on working then. I was taking showers at my mothers but she cut me off from that too.. right now just planning on getting a gym membership so I’ll have a place to shower for now. Going back to school so I can get my high school diploma, working on getting a license so I can get a cheap car because you can always sleep in a car if all else fails, and working on getting a please to live. If anyone can give me pointers on how and what I need to do to sign a lease on an apartment PLEASE DO!! I also will had to get rid of my fur baby😞 (either temporary or permanently) focusing on the positive 2018 WILL BE MY YEAR!

Thank you ladies for the prayer and kind words 💕