What does your anxiety make you feel like?

Recently, I’ve been struggling with extreme anxiety. I’m worrying about everything. What people think about me, why they’re thinking, what they’re saying about me when I say something; I’m thinking I’m annoying, over bearing, and I’m seeking too much validation from the people around me.

Right before I wrote this, I had just spoke to a friend about seeing another girl out last night and not really enjoying the girls’ energy. Immediately after saying something about the other girl, I regretted it, and instantly started freaking out about saying anything at all and wondering what my friend must think about me talking about someone. Then, everything hit me. I broke down. And I’m lying in bed typing this because I just got done crying. My heart feels heavy. Almost as if it’s racing and I just feel very strange. Almost heavy. I feel ashamed. I constantly have this nervous tick in my mind and in my body.

I haven’t figured out how to fix any of it. However, I figured maybe we can write on here. Explain to each other that we aren’t alone.

So, what does your anxiety feel like? What do you do to cope with it?

Love you. Happy 2018!