Worst New Years party EVER!!!

So me and this guy have had a thing for about 2 months now. We’re at a New Years party with all our friends. It’s going pretty well, everyone is drinking and dancing and having a good time.

So me and the guy were upstairs taking a break from the party as it was only approx 10pm & we didn’t wanna get too drunk before midnight. So we looked at each started making out and then went in a bedroom and locked the door...

We’re literally just about to start going at it when we hear the lock on the door go *click* ...

Then like 8 ppl come running in, turning the lights on and screaming ...

A guy stuck his head under the covers and started yelling at the top of his lungs that he saw me naked

AND then a girl grabbed the covers and tried running away with them!!!

So I scooched to the end of the bed (hanging on to the blanket for dear life) and donkey kicked that bitch across the room.

So they leave the room, we relock the door to get dressed & they try coming in AGAIN!!! This time they pushed some dude in the room who had no idea what was going on..and just ugh!!!

So we come out of the room and everyone is gone back downstairs when I hear a thud coming from another room. It was the guy and the girl who had wrecked our sexy time going at it so I fucken ram in there, stared them both down and said “HOW DO YOU LIKE IT!!! Don’t fuck with me!!!!”

So then I packed up my shit and drove home (I was not intoxicated FYI)

My body was shaking I was so angry 😡

Now its the next day and I’m still pissed beyond belief

I don’t even have words to describe how disappointed and disgusted I am