Final grade

Mj96 • Full time mother and student. I'd like to stand out from the normalcy of the world.🤰🏾🙋🏾👸🏾👼🏾

I am pissed off!!! Finally saw my final grades today after checking everyday since school ended and I truly believe one of my professors gave me the wrong grade. On blackboard it says my total points is 273.81/331 that would put me at 82.72 which is a B- but my final grade says C. I emailed the teacher and the only thing she says is today is the final day to post grades I’m asking her if the points on compass were different from the points she has in her grade book so I can at least know that it’s the correct grade, but she hasn’t said anything else. This is for a sign language class and I missed weeks of school because I had my baby boy on the day that the semester started so I just want the grade that I deserve because even though I entered the class late I worked my ass off in order to get that B. What should I do because this is not making sense at all and I have a syllabus but she never had the total points we should expect in her class on there so idk how she calculated her grades.

***I checked the syllabus just to make sure I wasn’t wrong about the points and that says a total of 325 points and I did extra credit so I’m assuming that’s the extra 6 points added onto the points possible really I don’t know what’s going on.