horrible start to the new year


I hung out with my boyfriend for new years <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> and we got permission to have a sleep over so the night was going okay I was tired so we left a party we were at early and went to his house and I was in some shorts and shirt to sleep and just laying in his twin bed. later when I was trying to do to sleep I started to get congested and itchy. I hadn't had a allergic reaction to his dogs ever but I've never laid in his bed for an extended period of time either. well my eyes started swelling up and he was out picking up his brother at 1 am. when he got home I was dozzing off and he got in bed and we tried to sleep but I was so uncomfortable and getting more miserable and he got worried because I was wheezing and I sounded weird. I woke him up so I could ask if he had any benadryl and he said no and saw what was going on and got worried and I started over heating and he turned on the fan and I was shivering and itchy all over still. it was like 3 am. he got me a cold war washcloth for my head and puffy eyes and some Aleve too and I felt like a small child was sitting on my chest and I was crying I couldn't relax and I felt bad because he was tired but he wouldn't go to sleep. he even got me pillowcase to try to get some dog dander away from my face it worked sorta. he didn't have any spare sheets or blankets so he couldn't change them. I was up till 4:30 am and he was just holding me while I was crying and wheezing. we couldn't do anything to help me. I finally dozed off and he watched me sleep and then around 6 his sisters alarm went off and woke me up and he was dead ass asleep. I couldn't fall back to sleep so I stayed up and looked on snap chat for a little bit. close to 7 I sort of dozed off again feeling a little better than before. I had to be home by 9 am so he had to drag me out of his bed. I got home and I took a long hot bath and then took benadryl and went to bed by 10 am. and slept off and on forma few hours and I'm so tired but I'm itchy and everything still. I'm so grateful for my boyfriend he put up with me last night well early this morning while I couldn't help myself. I love him so much.