X-Men: Internalised Hatred


Scene for reference (damn, that HQ 👌):

Anyways, this scene has been on my mind lately, so I think it deserves a post.

Question: If a Cure presents itself to a Marginalised Group, should people within said group be encouraged or discouraged to take it by their peers?

Does your answer change if the Cure originates from the privileged group?


You can answer this either in terms of real world, or in marvel universe. For those that require context:

-Rogue has the mutant ability to drain your life force, where she absorbs skills (temporary) and psyche (permanent), through skin to skin contact. She cannot control her powers.

-Storm has the mutant ability to change the weather by controlling atmospheric pressure. She’s extremely powerful, however she is susceptible to unintentionally altering the weather dependant on mood.

-Xavier is irrelevant 👋