I don't know my next move.

I'm pregnant m due with #2 next month. I have no idea what I'm doing in my life. I want to go back to work but I know I will land in a min wage job (10.25$ an hour) if I find a job in the city (I live in the suburbs) my partner thinks it's the stupidest thing I can do and doesn't want me to work because he says it's not smart. at least not until we have a second car which probably won't be for another year since he was to currently fix his. he is irresponsible tho with money and working so I need to change something because iv been dealing with this for a while.since we only have 1 car it is going to be HORRIBLE to commute through public transportation, I know if I talk to my mom she will agree to babysit and I was thinking of finding a job somewhere where she lives so I don't have to commute more after dropping them off (if I take uber or bus/pace bus) and maybe depending what time I get off I can wait for s/o to pick me up at my parents. do you think this is a good idea? I'll probably be making 1400 a month (I estimated taxes being taken off) and I think I can use that money to atleast save up for a car then able to commute better and find whatever job. *I don't want to go back to school because I am in debt for going to a trading school and I never did much after I graduated. I don't want to do the same thing if I am not certain in what I want to do.