I don’t understand what’s happening???

Angela • 44 yr old Mother of 3 older children to previous marriage & a 4 year old boy to my partner of 5 yrs, ttc no 5 for 2 years, did fall pregnant last year in June but lost the baby at 12 weeks. Now Just had my baby boy Heath William 13/03/20 😍

Last month I don’t think I ovulated, my period was 2 days early too, this has only just started happening?? This month I started testing CD 10, & the got the second line but obviously negative, I tested CD 13, & was almost a positive, after that I tried in the afternoon & it was lighter?? I’ve been testing twice a day & I’m on day 16 & it’s really negative not another line in sight?? I’ve had fertile cm, cervix high, soft open, sore nipples etc.... I did get the bad ovulation pain on CD 13 at night, & temp rose the next day but didn’t continue?? Had a massive drop yesterday & a

rise today??? I’m scared my body has stopped ovulating?? Check out my chart & opk test, tell me your thoughts please