Due August 18th 2018


Hey everyone! I’m due August 18th, 2018 with my second child. My first born, Gabby, was born February 11th 2017, via emerg. CS.

I desperately want a VBAC. This baby was a major surprise and was not planned.

I’m in Canada as well, is there a chance I can have a VBAC? I feel as though I need to have one honestly. Like I’m not complete without one. I got to 7cm with my daughter. My labour was interesting as I was “induced” for a week. (They weren’t really inducing me they were basically just pretending. Our hospital sucks so bad here. We don’t even have an actual OB).

I will be going to an OB in the city where they do VBAC’s and I don’t want to get my hopes up if I’m going to be shut down but I’m scared of getting shut down because I want this more than anything...

Any advice?