Won't be hired

I have been applying to this convenience store/gas station for a decent amount of time now. I have had to turn in at least four applications because they always "lost" mine. About two weeks ago I was told that my information had gotten sent our for a background check, so I was excited and certain that I would finally be hired. I wasn't. Yesterday, my good friend who works there told me that one of the girls there, who I believe is a manager, has been sabatoging my chances. All because over four years ago I "hit on" her boyfriend. I'm currently in a committed relationship and we have a baby on the way. I know for a fact that this boyfriend of hers cheats on her constantly and I do not even think they are together anymore, considering he is now seeing one of my best friends. But her insecurity is the sole reason I won't get this job. Is there anything I can do? The store manager is away for three months, otherwise I would speak to her.