I'm stupid crazy .. 36 wks emotional

Maybe I'm crazy but, I'm 36 weeks and super emotional. Just stressed ftm. I haven't got the baby's room together because her room just got cleaned out tonight. I'm still working 50+ hours a week and I feel like a failure because I'm struggling just to keep my house clean. My mil came over today saying just leave the baby's room alone until you get the rest of your house clean and while your working on Saturday I will come clean/ put the room together. 😢 But I really want to put her room together. She wants to exchange my dresser so it will match the bed. She's rushing me and today is the 1st day I can even walk in he room let alone set it up. Today she started stacking all the baby stuff in a corner and I kept trying to ask her to stop because one of those bags has gift cards in it. Idk which one now. I started crying. I tried to go thru them after she left and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Idk I'm crazy .