Vent on Hubby!


First of all, we have a really good loving relationship and Most of the time he’s a good daddy but sometimes he’s dense af.

Last night was absolutely horrible. My daughter went to sleep easy but By the time we went to sleep it was already 3:30/4. I’m so tired. Almost right as we’re about to fall asleep baby Wakesup to Nurse. Hubs goes to sleep. After that she was not able to settle down and I didn’t get more then 30 mins of sleep in a row. At TEN am I finally wake him up begging to change her diaper/ take care of her. He slept so much more then I did . He tries to just hold her and stay in bed she’s having none of it. I yell at him JUST CHANGE HER. She’s wide awake and dirty. Then I hear her cry for the next 15 mins in another room. I’m thinking maybe she’s in pain, he’s trying to sooth her, idk. After 20 mins I’m like ok wtf is going on. He’s lying next to her on the nursery bed while she’s re swaddled (he did change her diaper) not doing anything to stop her screaming. She just wants to wake up and move! I take her from him unswaddle her and now I’m playing with her and she’s happy.

So after I bring her in, he came in and lay next to us kinda cuddling. I calmly explained that I had 0 sleep that night and please please take her , out of this room and play with her and let me sleep. He shakes his head. I ask why. He said he wants to go fishing but his brother is ignoring him. Then I yell at him IM FUCKING TIRED TAKED HERBOUT OF THE ROOM FOR 1 HOUR AND LET ME SLEEP. He asks what’s the point if it’s only 1 hour? GOO!!! He grindingly takes her upstairs. 5 mins later she’s crying. The. She kinda stops a bit. I pass out anyways. I wake up 20 -30 mins later she’s crying. FFS. I go upstairs and again he’s dealing with it by lying next to her while she’s crying. She’s screaming poor baby. I take her back downstairs she nurses again and basically collapses she’s so tired from crying. We sleep for a few hours.

I was so mad at him I ignored hi. But later we went out for dinner. In the car I ask him why does he think lying next to her would solve anything. He says he’s tired and usually he tries other stuff before just lying with her. But he just hopes that she’d get bored of crying. 🙄😓🤨🤯

It never works and what ends up happening is I have to wake up, take her, play with her, while you sleep and that’s not fair because on days you aren’t working you already get hours more sleep then I do and it’s not fair that I have to take her when she doesn’t even need to be fed. . He says. “I understand.” 🤔

My sleepy baby