need reassurance

so I feel stupid by asking this because I've already got one child, but just need to post this for reassurance. This is my 3rd pregnancy, my first one with my daughter I was sick for literally 4 months. like so sick I couldn't get out of bed. with my second pregnancy I didn't feel pregnant at all, and at 13 weeks I was told our baby had a cystic hygroma and hydrops and would likely not survive (eventually there was no heartbeat and I had a d & c at 19 weeks). now I'm pregnant again and I'm not having any symptoms, which makes me more than a little nervous. occasionally I have tender boobs, but I really think that's just because my four year old likes to climb all over me.

I don't see my ob again until the 26th, and when I saw them last they were on the fence about if they wanted to consider me high risk since they say what happened last time isn't likely to happen again (still always in the back of my mind). half the staff wants me in more frequently for checks the other half says no.

has anyone gone through something similar and everything turned out fine? I just need reassurance.

**edited to say: I don't want reassurance from more visits. I want reassurance from other moms who have maybe been through something similar or just didn't have symptoms**