Hmm?! Need someone’s advice

So I posted about this already but this is a different situation I guess. Anyways my SO reconnected with this daughter after 6 years. She is now 8 btw and is too much of a long story. But to make it shorter we’ve been together for 6 years and married for 2 of those. ( we have a baby) I knew about his daughter since we were dating that wasn’t a surprise but he never mentioned her because her mother and him had problems and she would say the little girl wasn’t his. Anyways he goes to see his daughter a few times a week and talks to her everyday but what bothers me is that it’s been a month and I still haven’t met her. He is the one that always goes to her house. There have been 2 times we were about to meet her but 2 excuses. Now he didn’t go see her today but his daughter called him at 5 saying if he’s going which mind you she was in a town further away. So I’ve had it I told him if he goes late me and baby are going with him. So I’m here fuming and still no phone call from the little girl. Anyways am I right by being mad? Her mother seems to have double intentions with my husband. 🤔