I'm lost

I ended my long term relationship 2 weeks ago...tonight is my first night back home since then. my children and I have been staying elsewhere, had to put a protection order against him. He tried to take the kids and run....almost 7 years together, 3 kids...im trying to keep myself busy cleaning, packing his things, feeding, bathing, dressing our kids...its like being home it's really hit that it's over. I'm trying so hard to keep myself from running to him, telling him to come back home, start over, but I cant...but despite his addictions, stealing, lying, neglect...i still loved him..love him.....miss him...Its all I can do to keep from falling apart in front of the kids. I keep telling myself "wait until they're asleep, they don't need to see you fall apart. Be strong, you can do this." But inside I'm a mess 😭