Terrified of the unknown


So last Friday I brought up my concerns with being diagnosed with GBS with my OB. I know the chances of passing it on to the baby is slim even without medication but I don't want to risk a thing with my sweet baby girl. The problem is this is my 3rd child and typically with every pregnancy your labor is shorter. I had my oldest at 4 1/2 hours once admitted into the hospital. I waited till I was 5 mins apart before I went in which only took a couple hours at home. My second I found blood when I wiped, went into the hospital was determined I was dehydrated so they admitted me. After 30 mins of getting fluids pumped into me I started my contractions on my own and had him an hour and a half later. Both of them were 2 days past my due date. My doctor suggested that because I had fast natural labors that I should consider being induced because I need to have 4 hours worth of antibiotics in my system to be in the "safe zone". I am just so deathly terrified of ending up in a c-section because of it. My anxiety levels will probably push my blood pressure high and God knows what else. I also can't stand being numb it freaks me out too.