Girlfriend Troubles

Okay so i️ don’t really know who to talk to about this because i️ dont have friends really and i️ can’t tell my one bestfriend- who also happens to be my girlfriend. So we’ve been dating for a year now and i’ve always held this opinion to myself. When we first started dating and we decided to finally have sex, everything was fine and all went well but then just a couple weeks ago we were talking about that night and she told me she was a virgin... Now idk the gay rules cause i’m still new at all this but pretty sure it’s kinda obvious you need to tell the person this that you decide you wanna lose your virginity too! But now i’m also noticing a lot of things she does when we’re having sex that i️ dont like and things she needs help on. I️ dont know how to be like heyo maybe don’t do that, maybe do this without her getting offended or self conscious about it. It’s very frustrating though when we get to those super intimate moments i️ can’t take my mind off little things that are bothering me. I️ honestly dont know what to do i️ love her a lot, but i️ dont know if i️ need to adventure out more instead of staying so stuck on this one person if i’m not satisfied, but i’m also very connected to her so i’m just completely torn and don’t know what to do. If anyone has any advice at all i️ would love to hear it