Are you close with your baby daddy?

My ex husband and I were together for 6 years married for almost 3. He had a drug/lieing problem that i found out about after we was married and already pregnant. I TRIED to make it work.. giving him chance after chance, and even contacting his dealers and begging them to stop giving him suboxone, because it was ruining a beautiful family, and is going to hurt his child. It didn't work, and we ended up in divorce. My daddy told me that to Aspyn (our daughter) she should always think of her daddy as a super hero, and that always stuck in my head.. He and I developed a friendship as parents and we get along great (granted he still is a little weird and annoying) but we get along. My daughter is happy and she will always know that her daddy and I don't hold no bad feelings towards each other. I've made him supper sometimes if he's gonna be bringing Aspyn home he can eat with us.. helped him out with couple bills, helped him get a job etc, I even played the middle man between him and his last gf trying to keep them together. (lol obviously I really liked her) My current boyfriend doesn't really like it, but he gets it to an extent. My ex will text me random things sometimes like "am I weird" or "guess what happened to me today" just like we are like friends not just parents. Gets a little annoying, but on the other hand I don't want to loose all the progress we have made as parents by telling him not to text me unless it's about Aspyn....So.. Idk what to do.