y’all , i need some help ..

So since the beginning of the year , i’ve been driving my best friend to school. She cant drive and neither can my other friend. So i take friend #1 to school every single day, including days when i am staying home or sick. I almost never don’t. She at first was very appreciative , bought me breakfast every morning so i didnt ask her for gas money or anything. She eventually started to get an attitude every day i’d pick or up or when i was late. She stopped a little while after that, but stopped giving me any money at all & I would buy meals for her & she’d promise to pay me back (it never happened).

I take friend #2 occasionally , she has never given or offered to pay me (which i don’t mind too much) but she had pretty much never been grateful for it or even thanked me.

Today i missed school but took both friends anyways. An hour later school got out early & friend #2 texts me to “be there in 10 minutes” no please, thank you , nothing.

When i pick them they immediately start making plans together for that afternoon and calling other friends to ask to hang out too, without thinking to invite me or include me in the conversation at all. They then tell me to drop them off at friend #2’s house so they can hang out. This is the second time this has happened.

I feel very used for rides and like they’re taking advantage of me. I texted friend #1 later and told her how i felt (i tried to not make it sound rude or bitchy because i hate confrontation) but she got very defensive and said basically how i was feeling was wrong & started bringing up other fights from the past.

Am i wrong for feeling like i’m being used ? or for confronting her? Sorry guys i know this is long thank you if you read this