Can I be emotional really fast?


I’m 15&6 and I’m pretty emotional.

Not depressed emotional but like sensitive emotional.

I’m sitting here in bed (9pm) rubbing my small yet hard round-ish belly thanking God. I had an appointment today, and although i didn’t get to find out the gender, the heart rate was perfect and I could feel this little squishy moving around.

I’m so thankful to be able to hold a life inside my own body. I’m so thankful that I got pregnant after just 1 month of trying. I’m so thankful that I can feel this baby moving all the time!! By no means am I bragging or rubbing it in, because I know how hard some people try to experience this joy. I just wanted to express my hearts happiness and hope for this baby and his/her future.

God is so good... how can you not believe when there’s a living child growing inside you. “Evolution” “The Big Bang”

No no no, this is a miracle by a miracle worker 🙏🏼❤️