Taking off the panties!

This may be super random but I didn't realize how many girls don't take care of their hygiene like they should and unless someone talks to you about it how will you know! Some easy helpful tips to help you smell clean and feel fresh! Before going into too much detail let me tell you that all vaginas have a smell - you can't eliminate your odor completely however if it's fishy or stronger than usually you may have something else going on. Hint1: Don't Douche! Douching is actually bad for the vagina and eliminates the good bacteria. Your vagina is self cleaning so you should always use products externally not internally. Try to stay away from heavy perfume washes down there as well, they can throw off your PH. Hint2: Let the vagina breath. Try switching to cotton underwear to help get some air flow. Maybe sleep without underwear will help too. Don't sit around in your workout pants all day after sweating it out in the gym. instead change into some shorts and get out of your damp underwear! Hint3: While on your period try to stay away from the perfume scented pads and Tampons. They can actually mess up your PH and leave your vagina with a not so pleasant smell, go with unscented and change your tampon or pad every couple of hours to stay fresh. Hope this helps!