nervous!! I'm guessing most of us feel this way!!

a week ago I read a post on here about a young women who lost her baby right before birth, it had me in tears because I'm 5months high risk and even though I've been getting great news about my surprise baby I still wonder is everything really coming together. Anyways me and my husband received a call earlier today from a childhood friend saying his girlfriend was going into labor and he would be stopping by later on tonight, well we never received a call back so we called and he was in tears!! his beautiful baby had passed away due to labor complications, my heart stopped and i was shocked. I know this could happen to anyone but I've never had it happen to someone so close, we didn't ask any questions simply gave our condolences and a helping hand. Now I'm more paranoid then before, i keep telling my family "once baby's here ill feel at peace" because it's the only time i know he'll be 100% ok, am i the only mom feeling this way?