Things I wish my husband understood...


dear husband, I am sad that your sperm are abnormal... but that doesn't mean I blame you. I don't think less of you or blame you for the months if failed tests. Yes I get sad when I don't get the positive but all you see is the little bit quieter I get that day what you don't see is the crying in the shower because I don't want to put that much pressure on you. I don't want you to know how sad I really am in hopes you won't take it hard and we can bounce back. I wish you understood I am sad but I will be okay. you are not failing me because of it. I am sad but I am still fine. I am still happy and most importantly I still love you. I wish I could explain the emotions I feel but I can't because they arnt black and white. But I can tell you it's not your fault, I am not upset or secretly blaming you, you are not less of a provider, and I still love you... sincerely your wife