First appointment ♥️ Excited but a little Scared!

Autumn • 💓💓💙

My first doctors appointment and ultrasound sound are tomorrow!! I'll be 10 weeks 5 days! And I'm so excited!!!!! I can't wait to see our little one!!

I'm also a little scared it could be twins!!

My great grand mother was a twin! My Mother is a twin and I am a twin!!

With my first the dr told me I had a 85% chance to have twins! I was only 18 so thankfully for me there was only one! She is an amazing 10 year old little girl! Anyways! I've read that the older you are the higher your chances of having twins and that with each pregnancy it also makes your chances higher!

Has anyone else head this?

I will be happy no matter if it's one or two, a girl or a boy! I just want the baby/babies to be healthy!

What scares me about it being twins is that my daughter is 10! She will be 11 in July! The baby/babies are due August 5th! I would have a child starting 6th grade and twins! I feel like that would be so much harder on her! And myself! But mostly her!

Sorry about my rambling lol!!

I don't really have close friends to talk to about this and we haven't told everyone about the baby/babies yet! So kind of don't have anyone to talk to or rant to lol!

Hope everyone has a great day!! ♥️♥️