Finally, My Birth Story.


I gave birth in November and I’m kinda finally like wow I’ve been so busy in excited to have the time to write this 😂 it was 7:00pm on Tuesday November 7th. My due date was November 16th but all day i felt dull and achy, i went on a walk around my whole apt complex with my husband, step daughter and step son, came back and went to lay in bed with hubby. He wanted to have sex so bad and i was so ughh feeling that day but i swept that under the rug and engaged in some sweet time with my hubby. Afterwards i took a hot shower and around 10pm i started having contractions i didnt start timing them yet bc they were far. Hubby was convinced his was it, today was the day our son was coming. 11:30pm i really wanted water and went to the kitchen and had a really painful contraction i told my step kids go get your dad its time to go. So off the 4 of us went, 12:00am im in the first room in the hospital that i was in they checked me, only 3cm but 90% effaced. They kept me, hooked me up and were watching the contractions on the monitor oh how high that line was going was all they kept saying, the nurse said I’m gonna move you into the labor room and went to go get a wheelchair, i asked my husband to help me sit up and at that moment my water broke. Nurse came back and checked and confirmed my water broke and it was time to get

This going! Moved to the labor room with my step kids who are 10 & 13 and my husband and his mom. Sadly my parents were still out of town. About 1 hour later (4:00am) i got the epidural and they checked me right after i was 7-8cm and they were so excited as i was too. I couldnt sleep i was too excited i chatted with everyone till my step kids fell asleep and we moved them to their own room which would be my room later after birth. At 10:23am Dominic Lorenzo Martinez was born; 7lbs 3oz. I had a wonderful labor experience and i can’t wait to do it again.😍

My stepdaughter:

My stepson:

At 1 month old:

And now at 2 months old January 7th;