Confused! Help plz?


Okay I’ll start from the beginning so it all makes sense. So a year ago I was with this guy and he sexually assaulted me, I’d never really been in a bad relationship but we were long distance and he was abusive. I left him and about 4 months later I met a new guy (well call him A). We got on really well and eventually he asked me out, of course I said yes. We got to know each other and found each other’s insecurity’s and history. I told him about my abusive ex and he promised to protect me and never leave me. I never usually trust people but something felt different about him. Me and A got on really well, always laughing and joking together. He met my family and I met his, he didn’t have a mum but me and his dad got on really well. Whenever we went out anywhere I’d get in the car and he’d ask ‘how’s my favourite daughter in law then). It felt so perfect (in 16 and I know this probably sounds cringe). Anyway we spent almost 6 months together and I lost my virginity to him. I knew he’d slept with girls before me but I wasn’t really bothered. He broke up with me in September and I started getting to know this new guy around Christmas but something didn’t feel right. Me and the new guy got together and were together for a month and a half. I ended it a week ago. A phoned me to sort out all of the things we argued about and what happened. He’s got a new girlfriend but they’ve been in an argument for about a week now and he’s just not himself. He has severe depression and she does nothing to help him. I just want him to be happy. So when we were messaging the other day he started saying he didn’t want to end the relationship with me and that he missed me. I was still with my other guy at this point so I didn’t comment even though I wanted to. I ended it with my bf because I knew it wasn’t right to be with him when I still had feelings for another guy. Anyway he then told me he was horny and sexually frustrates coz his gf wont do anything with him. I’ve never sent nudes or revealing pics before but we started sexting. He still hasnt spoken to his girlfriend but I really miss him and knowing he wants me back and that his dad told him ‘if you ever get a chance you get back with that girl!’ Is killing me.

Someone help idk what to do!

Before you comment, I know I probably shouldnt have sexted him but it’s been so long and I miss him like mad.

**sorry for the rant**