Just my mf luck

SO my mother has been dating this guy for a couple months and she didn’t want to introduce him to me for a while because she wanted to get know him n shit, well, the other night she said she was ready for this introduction and I like yeah ok chill. We were gonna go out to dinner with him and his son which all I knew about him was he’s a couple years older than me and his name is Austin which is REALLY common where I live so I thought no shit of it. So yesterday night we get to this fancy ass restaurant ok this man has got shmonnneeyyy I was like yes mama you picked a mo fucking good one😂

We get to the table and it’s just him he says his son is running a little late and he’ll be here in a few. We having a great time this man is really nice I totally approved, he got personality and cash? Hells yeah! So about 25 min later his son calls tells him he’s here right, this son of his sits at the damn table and I look up nd we just look at each other

THIS THE BOY I BEEN FUCKING MY MOTHER IS DATING THE FATHER OF THE BOY I BEEN FUCKING. Y’all to say I was shocked is an understatement I was damn blown away how in the hell did this happen, I was just thinking to myself like of course this is my fucking luck what the hell. SO of course we can’t say anything so we just sit there make small conversation act like we haven’t ever even met each other and everything is going pretty well. It’s been a couple hours and our parents tell us they got something they need to tell us and we like

ALL I can think in my damn head is either they’re getting married or they know about us fuckin right. NOPE no no of COURSE not no. THEY WANT TO MOVE IN TOGETHER. I was astounded I really had no shit to say this was no joke my damn reaction

I was shook so yeah I guess this shit happening

******UPDATE #1 Y’ALL******

Okay so I thought you know they was gonna take some time to move in but nah this morning my wack ass mother says “start packing”.....bitch

So money man and his son just got here he looking fine as hell I think I might have to try sumtin later🤔I’ll update later today let y’all knoooow

******UPDATE #2 YALL******

You guuuuuyyyyysssss😂okay so I forgot to update last night cause it was just TOO MF CRAZY!!!

So Austin was helping me pack my shit up and he starts mf FLINGING MY THONGS I was pushed I start yelling at him like really? You acting like you’re 12? And then my mother walks in and she’s like “awww already actin like brother and sister”

Dis was my face cause you know😏

So we get to richmans😂house a little later and oh my lord this place is GORGEOUS!!! Richman brings me to one of the guest rooms and it has a FREAKING JACK AND JILL BATHROOM WITH AUSTIN😳 so I ask him I was like “ummm can I have like a different room” and he’s all talking about how he knows it’s probably awkward for me to have to share a bathroom with him when I’ve only just met him and blah blah blah but apparently the other guest room is like full of shit so I’m stuck with this one🤦🏻‍♀️y’all BAD IDEA ON RICHMANS PART! I woke up at like 3 in the fucking morning and I hear the shower on so in my horny ass stupid ass head

Yeah so we ended up fucking in the shower..I think I’m gonna get used to this place real fast😏😏😏😏

Idk if y’all want more updates or not let me know lmao


Lmaooooo you guys are killing me in the comments😂😂😂nothing has really gone on anymore but I’m SURE there will be more soon