conversation gone south


So me and my boyfriend are having a conversation about his daughter how his parents are concerned that her ADHD medicine is making her tired she has been on the medication for almost 8 months now so I doubt it's the cause of her drowsiness. So I told him that she has been very active lately that could be the reason she is tired, she is growing (8 years old) and plus she is always sick every weekend we get her. the moment I said she is always sick my boyfriend got very defensive and said no she hasn't you're the one always sick look at you still sick and I was just blown away with what he said because #1 this conversation isn't about me its about his daughter and #2 the reason why I even am sick is because his daughter got me sick with the flu 😂 like wtf plus I'm 23 weeks pregnant my immune system isn't the greatest so it was easy to catch and it is hard to get rid of so thanks. Other than this flu crap I don't get sick besides migraines every other day due to my freaking stressful job I can't stand but do it anyways to save for the baby, but what does he care. idk why he thought I was attacking his daughter I was just trying to explain other possibilities of her being tired