

So me and my 2 year and a couple months boyfriend or not boyfriend I don’t know have been having little fights with each other for a couple months now. They’re always little things that bother me and the problem is is that I go over the top with how I handle things, I yell or say mean things sometimes.. and I know how horrible I sound but I have come to realize that I do this because I’m jealous of him and how smart and funny and social he is that I feel like I need to find a problem w him, even when there isn’t really one.. so two days ago he asked me to give him space and time to thing and I don’t know what that meant so I asked him and he said he wants to think about everything. So again I’m lost. I don’t know how it’s going to affect us. I went to him twice already begging him for another chance and that I want to get better and I’m going to and he still didn’t want to at the end of it. So right now I don’t know what to do or how to handle myself. I really miss him and know how wrong I was I just want to talk to him but he doesn’t want to talk. I don’t know if I should wait for him or start moving on. We have gone through so much together already and were each others best friends so I just want to be there for him and try to help him but he don’t let me so I need your advise.