tell me i’m not crazy...

my husband is a very friendly guy. he claims that he has been best friends with many girls in the past. he will randomly hit them up and check on them. most of the time he tells me when he does. but one night out of curiosity i checked his phone while he was asleep and there were one or two he had messaged but never got a response back from. and the ones he did talk to it was mostly short convos. but one time i checked in on my GAY friend i hadn’t spoken to in months and my husband got so mad that he made me delete all my social media besides facebook. yet my husband still has all his social media apps. i never checked anything besides his phone messages and fb messages. he also has over 1,000 friends on fb half of them he says he doesn’t even know and i asked him to go through and delete the random people and he said it was too much work. he also is like this with me finding a job. i could care less if he worked at victoria’s secret because i feel secure in our relationship. but he said he wouldn’t be comfortable if i worked at bust buy or ups or something because that’s where men work or at a gym i would “get distracted by all the sexy men”. i highly doubt he would ever cheat on me, but still all the contact with other females drives me bonkers.