Updste: My sister is driving me nuts.


Update: Thank you to those that have commented. I appreciate it. I think the reason I am bend so out of shape about all of this is that the entirety of my family is like that. Without missing a beat, my husband and I reach out because they are struggling, my father, my brother, and now my sister, and each time the result seems to be the same. We do everything we can for them and they steall from us, or belittle us, or, now, what my sister is doing. It makes me want want to close down tp all over them and go live on an island....

...grrr.... So, basically, my husband and I moved my sister and her husband in with us because they were homeless and living in a tent. Well, they have been living with us since September, rent free, no bills at all. I got her a job, and as soon as it got rough and I went on Maternity leave, she quits. Has not even tried looking for a new job. Her husband gets a job, and is bringing in close to 2 grand a month. They aren't providing anything into the household. Paying no bills, give us maybe $300 max a month to help buy food and gas for the cars. Their car is in my name because they couldn't get insurence. Past two months they haven't even tried to pay for that. They leave trash every where. They never clean up after themselves... They never cook. I cook every meal. I make sure they have food. But yesterday, I got this 15lb turkey and up cooked it up to split for several meals. I left it in the fridge over night to split in the morning. Well, I get up and the kitchen is 100% recked. Dishes and trash every where. Frustrating, but after cleaning up I go to split the Turkey and its HALF gone. Like picked clean.... So, i get pissed and tell them this can't keep happening. I can't afford to have people gorging all night on the little bit of food i can buy...and i can't keep up with cleaning after a group of adults when I am giving birth on Thursday.... They need to pick up after themselves. Her responce? She tells me they are moving out on Monday to a motel.. I am like wtffffffff??? I tell her that she's being rash and to think before she screws herself over. I don't want them to even up homeless... She tells me she doesn't care and I can't change her mind. Period. I feel like I am going to snap. I know I can't force her to be an adult, but she is going to screw herself over.... I don't know what to do....